Proof of Concept getting ready! As promised, here is a video showing off the saxophone as a MIDI-controller. All keys are read out through hall effect sensors, interpreted by a ESP32 microcontroller. MIDI-notes are send through both Bluetooth and DIN-connection. In this instance, digital breath information is provided by the Photon breath controller. This is…


    Upgrades all over! The hall effect switches were redesigned, the Teensy LC was upgraded to a Sparkfun ESP32 Thing and everything now has its place on a beautiful PCB. The sensors and magnets are attached to the body of the saxophone with sugru adhesive. A total of 32 digital sensors can be interpreted now. The…

  • STELLAR LEGIONS: Release Concert October 23th 2022

    Very pleased to announce our debut album on Belgian’s finest SDBan Ultra. Release concert this Sunday, October 23th @ Rataplan, Antwerp.Be most welcome! Starship crew on duty:Andrew Claes (sax + FX),Bram Weijters (keys),Free Madou (double bass + FX),Teun Verbruggen (drums + cymbals),Jaak de Digitale (VJ). Tickets and info:https://rataplanvzw.be/e/stellar-legions-jazzfest-dag-3 Buy CD/Vinyl:https://stellarlegions.bandcamp.com/album/stellar-legions

  • ARTICULATE @ DeSingel 2022

    I curated this year’s ARTICULATE festival at DeSingel. Be welcome next week, it’s FREE!!Full program and practicals below: https://www.ap-arts.be/evenement/articulate-2022

  • KMSKA: Grand Reopening

    Together with Joris Caluwaerts and Mixmonster Menno from STUFF. , assisted by VJ Jaak De Digitale, we made a special mini-performance for the grand reopening of the Royal Museum of Fine Art in Antwerp. Here is how it looked! Music coming soon(ish)

  • ARBEID ADELT!: New Single

    Proud to be part of ARBEID ADELT!’s new line up. Next gig: songkick

  • STELLAR LEGIONS: New Singles

    Stellar Legions = Andrew Claes(sax,ewi,perc,fx), Bram Weijters(keys), Fre Madou (double bass,fx) and Klaas De Somer We are releasing our debut album on Belgian’s finest SDBAN-Ultra label on October 22. First gig: October 23 @ Rataplan Check out the first 3 singles:

  • KMSKA: STUFF. = Artist in Residence

    Proud to be among the AIR’s! Read the interview here

  • JAZZ HANDS #3:

    Migrating to hall effect sensors.When scanning the keys of the saxophone, live sound is not needed for MIDI. This is a step in the right direction for making a true sax-controller.Parts used: hall effect sensors, magnets and a Teensy LC.


    Bringing the first audio to MIDI prototype to my artistic promotor Kurt Van Herck